Six Noises Crowdfunding Campaign
Well, 15 years writing about music, and a whole heap of radio work besides, and it’s come to this.
It’s do or die time, kids.
I’ve started a crowdfunding campaign to transform Six Noises into a far larger platform to further support underground music in New Zealand.
My aim is to promote New Zealand’s most imaginative music to the wider world. And also to continue highlighting great underground music from offshore as well.
I want Six Noises to serve as a gateway to all that New Zealand has to offer in the world of independent, incensed and/or unorthodox music; be that bands, other music websites, or subterranean communities of interest.
Coming up with rewards for pledges was a tough ask. But I think I managed to find a few unique offers that’ll hopefully prove tempting.
If you can’t afford (or don’t wish) to donate a penny or two, simply spreading the word about my crowdfunding campaign would be enormously helpful.
I’ve been listening to weird and wild music for over 30 years now, and I started writing about it because I wanted to showcase the most challenging and creative artists.
That objective is as true today as it ever was.
I’d love it if you could get on board and help me transform Six Noises into all it can be.