Hi! I'm Not Dead...

Aug 23, 2019

Kia ora, comrades. Just a reminder, Six Noises is on hiatus – possibly forever – but I've not stopped writing about noisy music!

This year, I've been busy at Last Rites writing reviews as well as a monthly column, In Crust We Trust, which concentrates on the rawest, heaviest, and ugliest punk and metalpunk from around the world. I'm also still writing reviews (and my Sunn O)))-focused Monoliths and Opinions column) for Metal Bandcamp. Plus, I've dropped a few loud words elsewhere around the interwebs in 2019.

The easiest way to keep track of what I'm scribbling about is to follow Six Noises' Instagram, which I update regularly. I'm still writing about plenty of unruly NZ music, where I can, and I plan to keep on writing about underground punk and metal from home (and around the globe) for the foreseeable future.

This year, I also got involved in co-releasing a couple of killer records (see Piggery and Pvnisher), which, I guess, means Six Noises is now a record label(ish) too. I'm on the lookout for some more obnoxious local punk to co-release, so hopefully, you'll hear more from Six Noises (the label) in the future.

I'm still enjoying writing about (and releasing) horrible fucking music. And I'm considering whether to just bite the bullet and write a book about underground punk and metal in Aotearoa New Zealand. I've wanted to do that for a long time, and after reading books like Ian Glasper's Contract in Blood: A History of UK Thrash Metal, and Alexandros Anesiadis’ encyclopedic tome, Crossover the Edge: Where Hardcore, Punk, and Metal Collide, I think I've got a good idea of how it could be done. There's a mountain of variables and personalities to negotiate. But, fingers crossed... you know the deal.

I haven't been doing any radio work this year, which sucks, but there's not much I can do about that. I don't know if I'm too old, too uncool, or my interests are just too niche – I'm guessing it's a combination of all three – but I haven't had any luck getting back on the airwaves. I'm almost tempted to start a podcast. But I also realize that the last thing this world needs is yet another fringe podcast helmed by yet another grey-bearded music fan.

To be honest, I don't know if this blog will ever return (and my eternal thanks to the generous soul currently keeping Six Noises online) but I'll keep shouting about the obnoxious music I'm enjoying at other noisy sites.

Thanks for stopping by, checking in, or... whateves.

I hope to see you round.



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