New Zealand Music Month: Two Wolves

New Zealand Bands May 25, 2015

**It’s New Zealand Music Month this May. **New Zealand’s **annual celebration of homegrown music. Generally, that involves a lot of mainstream media highlighting a lot of mainstream acts. So I’m here to try and redress the balance a bit.  **I’ll be posting a link to some rowdy New Zealand music for you to check out every day over the next month. Some bands will no doubt be familiar; others I hope will be fresh to your ears.


Two Wolves

Two Wolves’ debut album, The Roar and Peal of Distant Thunder, was inspired by Cormac McCarthy’s novel Blood Meridian, and bleak and blood-soaked outback films like The Proposition. There’s certainly a soundtrack quality to The Roar and Peal of Distant Thunder, with snarling stoner rock, cowpunk, alt-country, and doom metal all intertwining on a very expressive album. It’s all blood-soaked dirt and dust, and big Sergio Leone landscapes, with plenty of heavyweight slide guitar and campfire harmonica adding to the band’s evocative sound.

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