Converge- Jane Doe

Converge Jul 18, 2011

Converge – Jane Doe

(2001, Equal Vision/ Deathwish Records)

How good is Jane Doe? I’m very glad you asked. Jane Doe sounds exactly like the emotional state you’d find yourself in after someone you’ve loved, but hadn’t had to courage to tell, fucks your best friend. That combined with the sensation of scraping your teeth on concrete when you are completely sober. Actually, you could also compare it to the same feeling you get after having one too many beers and allowing your trainee nurse girlfriend to pierce your perineum (take my advice and never ever agree to this proposition, it is not as much fun as it sounds). Jane Doe is Converge’s magnum opus. A technically flawless blast of bleak gut-wrenching hardcore colliding with a juggernaut of the filthiest drop-tuned outsider metal imaginable. As much as it hurts it’s all sorts of addictive.

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